Easy to Access
All EdGuru resources are on a cloud platform. Participants do not need to download software.
Technologically Compatible
EdGuru courses are compatible with all devices, which allow participants to learn on the go or from the comfort of their homes. All they need to do is sign up and get started.
EdGuru content is updated often to stay recent and relevant.
Not Time Consuming
EdGuru resources are concise, effective, and retainable. EdGuru can be downloaded, viewed, and read at leisure.
Exclusive Resources
EdGuru resources are made internally by experienced educators who have extensive practical knowledge.
Computer Literacy of User Improves
Participants improve their computer literacy by completing EdGuru courses.
What the EdGuru Community Has to Say!
Greater impact is made from directing energy to precisely the right place. The right place is for teachers and administrators’. As a result, positive impact is made on the MOST important clients-the STUDENTS. EdGuru has the right focus.
Leanne Shay
From Australia
EdGuru is an all-inclusive platform where educators worldwide can peruse and use to improve all aspects of their employees professional careers. The idea is that online professional development can be done in the comfort of your home or office, anywhere in the world and at your own pace. The material is made to cater to school needs or as specific as catering to the individual needs of the teacher, with an easy to use system. EdGuru makes it easy for those educators who are not tech savvy, to be comfortable enough to engage in their own learning. EdGuru is equipped with professional staff to coach you through any queries you might have.
Donovan Patterson
From Canada
In our pursuit to improving student outcomes by raising attainment or demonstrating student progress, a contributing factor can be the experience of our educators. EdGuru provides effective training that targets the needs of all educators. It up-skills and empowers learners in order to have greater impact in any educational environment. EdGuru is u201cLearning with purpose in order to have IMPACTu201d
David Tito-Nekeare
From New Zealand
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